Sunday, March 16, 2008


Easter is next Sunday. The earliest it's been in 220 years or so. The next time it will be this early will be in 2228. This is a unique event since no one has seen Easter this early before nor will our grandchildren and their children's children. A rather awesome thought. The commercial side of Easter has taken over as it has Christmas, but there are those who still go to church and celebrate Palm Sunday and Holy Week. Growing up our church celebrated Maunday Thursday with the Passover meal or the best duplicate with unleavened bread and other things that none of us kids liked. It was sparse and we were always upset at having to go. Just give us kids good old PB&J. Didn't you as a kid always wonder why it was called "Good" Friday. Of course, we went to church, but as a kid what made our eyes pop was the pretty Easter Basket hidden behind a chair on Easter morning filled with marshmallow peeps and chocolate bunnies. Going to church on Easter Sunday was bearable because we knew there would be the Easter Egg hunt on the church lawn after services. There was also the new beautiful, store bought, Easter dress and brand new shoes. This was especially exciting for me, because new clothes was a once a year event at the start of school. And at that most of them were made by Mama which, of course, wasn't cool and the rest were ordered from "Monkey" Wards. I will completely date myself when I tell you that most of my shirts and even blouses were made from flour sacks. Now that really is the olden days! I digress. Back to Easter - eventually Easter became an important day, devoid of the bunnies and new clothes. Easter became a candlelight procession into a white Easter Lilly filled Church, singing "He Is Risen". Alleluia, a celebration of our risen Lord Jesus Christ. Easter became for me, Bible studies, serving on the church council, Bible studies in my home and managing the Agapé Puppeteers. Easter became a lifelong journey, one that will someday end in my transformation into that mysterious other world. Easter was the girder that held me up, when I received the phone call to tell me my oldest son had fallen on campus and could not be revived. Easter held me close when my youngest son called to tell me my next oldest son had passed away. Easter has been the structure of my life, my belief that my sons are in a better place and the basis of the daily prayers for my son Pat as he pursues his career as an underwater worker and that what we call heaven is indeed real. Easter is truly a day of Celebration. Dance I shall.

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