Sunday, March 9, 2008

Dance Time

Yes, it is Sunday once again, and the band at the military complex is warming up for an afternoon of dancing. We could dance on our balcony, but Ana thinks our neighbors might think we're a little strange. Guess, I'll finish this and listen to the band play "oldies but goodies" and finish my book. It has more twists and turns and I only have about 15 pages to go and the serial killer is still on the loose and more new developments with each page. It's a very good read. We had many downpours all day yesterday and all night. The air is clean, it is cooler, only 81 degrees today and right now the sun is shining. But rain is predicted for the rest of the week. For some odd reason gray cloudy days nudges the creative juices in me. I must have a monochromatic soul.
"Aesop's" Crow"

"Crow Stealing Berries"

"Crow in Cattails

I hope you are enjoying a nice quiet afternoon, as for me?, "I could have danced all night."

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